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APICE PIANTE® Apice Piante is one of the biggest and most modern vivarium companies in Italy. Thirty years of experience and passion have taken down qualitative standards, respect for nature, competition for growing plants and market visions.

Step by step:

Beginning of the vivarium activity with the production of olives self-rooted and grown in flower pots.

Construction of the modern glass greenhouse with moving sidewalks, air conditioning and rain water captation.

Implementation and beginning of the production of micropropagation laboratory with climate chamber.

Construction of the new headquarters of offices, construction of the new laboratory of Micropropagation, climatic chambers and sheds for the processing and preservation.

Construction of producing greenhouses with spheric isolation and greenhouse repository with anti-insect protection.

Expanding acreage of potted plants with drip irrigation and cultivation on mulch.

Construction of shelters over two plants for the conservation of plants in bare-root seedlings, preparation, manufacture and logistics.

Expanding acreage and plant management.

Realization of the first photovoltaic implant integrated on the roof.

Realization of the second photovoltaic implant integrated on the roof and realization of a photovoltaic greenhouse for total energy self-sufficiency of the company. 178.000 kg de CO22saved per year.

Beginning of production of plants for biomass to feed plants to produce bio-gas, biomass, etc.

Ampliamento piazzali di coltivazione frutti vitaminici.

Catalog 2022

From Address:
Dott.ssa Cecilia Di Primio

The MICROPROPAGATION made in modern laboratory is located at the base of the productive cycle. MICROPROPAGATED plants are improved: healthy, free of viruses and bacteria, vigorous and first generation. High quality produced for professionals and also available for fans. All plants are certified by the community C.A.C. genetic and phytosanitary quality assurance.

All Company production is certified at various levels, such as the C.A.C., or some more estrictitas as the ESENTE VIRUS (VIRUS absent); Thus, there is the maximum warranty that accompanies the entire production and results with the emission at the time of the sale of a special document of marketing. The company is associated with ASSOFLORA who veils over the management in field of mother plants for the production of a controlled virus over clones and guarantees by certificate of the control of the observatory for diseases of plants regional authorizing the emission of tags for each plant or alveolus.

Certificati per piante Virus Esenti

Certificati per piante Virus Esenti

Certificazione C.A.C.

Nuovo collarino multistrato in plastica resistente completo di tutte le infomazioni a norma di legge

Negli ultimi anni, alla certificazione si è affiancata la cartellinatura con la TRACCIABILITÀ della produzione, mediante l’implementazione di un nuovo sistema informatico che permette il controllo di tutta la filiera della produzione. Tale sistema permette di originare, per ogni pianta, un codice a barre con codifica industriale contenente tutte le informazioni necessarie alla rintracciabilità.

Dal 14 dicembre 2019 è entrato in vigore il regolamento UE 2016/2031 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio relativo alle misure di protezione contro gli organismi nocivi per le piante che prevede l’applicazione di un passaporto delle piante proprio per garantirne la rintracciabilità.




TA = Pianta da talea

SE = da seme

FR = Pianta su franco da seme della stessa varietà

ME = Pianta da meristema

COLT = Colt

GI = Gisela®

GR = Garnem

SL = Santa Lucia o magaleppo

GF677 = Pesco mandorlo

29C = Mirabolano da meristema

MR = Mirabolano

CO = Colt

M / MM = Vari tipi di meli clonali


The rhizome growth regulator gives the plant a lesser force, improving the productivity.
Our rhizomes
: Plum tree: Mirabolano 29C Cherry tree: Colt, Gisela Apricot: Mirabolano 29C Pear tree: Cotogno BA 29 Apple tree: M106, M111, M9.
Advantages: • Plants with height achievable for the man, it is not necessary the use of ladder • Cultivation in vertical • Early fruiting • Increased crop density • Fruits sweeter and colored • Lower cost of production • Cultivation in pot, even in terraces and balconies.

Plum tree “Santa Rosa” - Plum tree “Friar” - Plum tree “Stanley” - Plum tree “Regina Claudia Gialla (Reyna Claudia Amarilla)” - Plum tree “Fortune” - Plum tree “President”.

Cherry tree “bigerreau Moreau” - Cherry tree “Van” - Cherry tree “Ferrovia” - Cherry tree “Giorgia” - Cherry tree “Sunburst” - Cherry tree “ Duroni I, II, III”.

Pear tree “Coscia” - Pear tree “Conference” - Pear tree “Decana del Comizio” - Pear tree “William Blanco” - Pear tree “Abate Fetel” - Pear tree “Kaiser”.

Apple tree “Starking Rojo” - Apple tree “Fuji” - Apple tree “Annurca” - Apple tree “Golden Delicious” - Apple tree “Gelata-Zitella” - Apple tree “Tinella-Dura”.

Apricot tree “Tyrinthos” - Apricot tree “Sungiant” - Apricot tree “San Castrese” - Apricot tree “Portici”.